Search engine optimization or as we call it SEO is a simple procedure that can improve your site very much and make people save time but it can also damage your site and it’s reputation. Before starting the SEO process make sure that you research all the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the damage that can be done by an irresponsible SEO performer. Ask the person who does SEO for you to do an analysis of the site and keywords and to report to you what he found and what is going to use in order to improve the site. Ask him what is he’s experience and if he has bad reviews avoid working with him. Keep in mind that Google isn’t such a complicated search engine and you will get indexed in a very short time. When you search something using Google you will see organic search results as well as paid advertisements. Google will never charge you any money for ranking your site and going on organic search results is free. You can optimize your site using Webmasters tools and some other free scripts. Before you settle for a SEO (also search engine optimizer) I suggest you research how search
engine works. In order to do that you can start with Google webmasters guidelines. When is the best time to do SEO? When you are about to launch your new site or if you plan to redesign it. You have to ask some questions, before you decide who to hire. Make sure that the person you hire to do the job uses only white hat techniques, and it won’t hurt your website. Don’t hope for the first place on Google, because nobody can guarantee that, in order to reach the first position you will have to do extensive
SEO for many months. If someone promises first place in a short time they probably aren’t serious. Be careful when selecting the person to work with, ask the right questions and don’t award them the project unless you are sure you made the right decision. Good luck!